Seattle School Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are generally held on Wednesdays, but are occasionally rescheduled around holidays. Regular School Board meetings start at 4:15 p.m. 董事会会议在约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心举行.
Please visit the Board Resolutions webpage for adopted resolutions and the Annual Reports webpage for a list of when and how reports to the Board have been delivered.
Board Calendar
Watch School Board Meetings
Regular Board Meetings are live streamed on SPSTV.
Regular Board meetings can also be viewed on the following Seattle channels:
- Comcast 26 (standard-def) 319 (hi-def)
- Wave 26 (standard-def) 695 (hi-def)
- Century Link 8008 (standard-def) 8508 (hi-def)
Watch Past Meeting Recordings
Watch past board meetings recordings of the Seattle School Board.
Public Testimony
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board and dedicates time at these meetings for public testimony.
让所有社区成员在董事会的业务会议上感到受欢迎和安全是很重要的. 观众将被期望以尊重和礼貌对待所有与会者, just as Seattle Public Schools expects of students in our schools.
Regular and Special Meetings Agendas
定期和特别董事会会议议程至少在会议前24小时公布. At each Board meeting, 以往会议的会议记录已获批准,一旦可用,将发布在议程网页上.
Board Committee Materials
There are three current committees of the Board.
- Audit Committee
- Ad Hoc Community Engagement Committee
- Ad Hoc Policy Manual Review Committee
About the Board Approval Process
西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行通常每月至少举行一次定期董事会会议. 在定期董事会会议期间,董事会听取公众证词并投票决定大多数最终行动. However, 董事会对定期董事会会议上批准的项目的讨论通常在几周前开始,准备董事会行动报告和向董事会介绍. 这里包含的信息是为了支持公众在整个扩展过程中跟踪项目.
Board Action Report Development
When an item is brought to the Board for action, a Board Action Report (BAR) is drafted, along with any accompanying Board policy or other attachments as needed. Often these documents are prepared by staff, but Directors also may develop Board Action Reports, generally to revise or adopt policies and resolutions.
Regular Board Meeting Agendas and Use of the Consent Agenda
董事会行动报告放在由安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行办公室制定的定期董事会会议议程草案上. 这些议程草案随后由理事会主席和主管审查并定稿, which set two Regular Board meeting agendas at a time. BARs for contracts, grants, 和其他日常事务,如会议纪要,直接放在同意议程上,供董事会采取行动. 其他董事会行动报告计划首先在一次定期董事会会议上介绍, and voted on at the next Regular Board meeting. When an item is introduced, it is presented by staff or the sponsoring Director, and Directors have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss, but no action is taken. 在这一点上,公众也有机会,在所有定期董事会会议期间, provide feedback by signing up to provide public testimony.
After introduction, 董事会行动项目通常在下次定期董事会会议期间作为同意议程的一部分进行表决. Per Board Policy No. 1420, Proposed Agendas & Consent Agenda, 董事会通过一次动议和投票批准多个项目,以加快董事会定期会议的工作进度. 使用同意议程是理事机构的最佳做法(参阅更多有关使用同意议程精简会议的资料) Municipal Research Services Center). The Student Outcomes Focused Governance Manual, developed by the Council of Great City Schools and AJ Crabill, 建议所有符合同意条件的项目都应列入同意议程,以便将董事会会议时间集中在改善学生成绩上 Board-adopted student outcomes goals and guardrails).
When an item is placed on the Consent Agenda, 董事会任何成员可在董事会定期会议期间将其撤除. 从同意议程中删除的任何项目将在稍后的会议中单独讨论和投票.